Weight Loss Support

Weight loss is a physical, emotional and psychological process that can be very difficult to achieve and maintain. Miami Beach Gynecology can provide you with options and guidance to help you stay on track and reach your weight loss goals. Dr. Norris has examined a number of weight loss programs and can help develop a custom plan for you.

Some common contributing factors to weight gain include:

  • Food sensitivities: Individuals are often sensitive to various food groups (such as gluten, soy, and dairy) and also to specific foods like eggs, fruits, chicken. This can lead to weight gain and overall inflammation.
  • Nutrient and vitamin deficiencies: Specific vitamin deficiencies can contribute to added body fat accumulation and poor cellular nutrition.
  • Poor gastrointestinal function: A poorly functioning gastrointestinal system lacks adequate nutrient absorption. This can be related to poor hydration, poor fiber intake and a variety of other health conditions.
  • Hormone imbalance: Hormone imbalance (such as cortisol, testosterone, DHEA, progesterone) can contribute to weight gain and poorly functioning metabolism.
  • Other factors can be genetics, toxicities in the body, hydration issues, slow metabolism and others.

Finding the right weight loss program can make a big difference in getting fit and losing weight.  Dr. Norris and his team are here to provide support and guidance around nutritional science, brain and body chemistry as well as medications and supplements to arrive at a custom weight-loss plan for you.

Weight Loss Management may include:

Behavior modifications through diet and exercise

Diet and exercise are the front-line of treatment for weight loss (though this can be an area of great struggle for clients). However, time and time again, diet and exercise has been shown to greatly improve health and weight. Lifestyle modification through proper nutrition and increased physical activity are essential for maintenance of appropriate weight. Physical activity boosts metabolism and increases muscle mass, improving your tone and physique. As part of your medically supervised weight loss program, our clinical staff educates clients in safe, appropriate and enjoyable exercise programs.

Nutritional plans

Diet often comes with a very negative connotation. It can be very difficult to deny ourselves foods that we enjoy. In addition, when we do diet, our bodies can quickly employ compensatory mechanisms to slow metabolism and increase our appetite, making dieting harder. By gaining a better understanding of the relationship between food, health and overall wellbeing, clients are more apt to commit to healthy eating. The weight loss program will detail a medically-supervised diet that boosts your metabolism, while burning fat for increased energy.

Weight loss medications and injections

The next tool that boosts weight loss is through pharmacological enhancement. Prescription medication is utilized to safely maximize fat burning potential, greatly increasing the speed of weight loss. By combining medical pharmacology with sound nutritional choices, the body is able to burn fat faster and more effectively.

Hormone replacement

Imbalances in hormone levels can significantly contribute to weight gain or difficulty losing weight. One of the reasons that women have difficulty maintaining a healthy weight after menopause is because of the significant change in hormone levels. Hormone replacement therapy provides a treatment using naturally derived hormones that are the chemical equivalent to hormones that are found in our bodies. It rebalances or restores natural hormone levels. They are the key to restoring balance to the body’s chemistry by replenishing levels that naturally drop with age. Please visit our Bio Identical Hormone Pellet Therapy page for more information.